A few weeks back when Herman Cain was still in the race for the Presidential nomination, Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain sat down for what was laughingly called a debate among themselves.  Actually it was not a debate at all but a mutual admiration society.
Given the facts of the matter about their past philandering, it struck me that if this were a horse race, it would be called the race for the Philanderer’s Cup.  In professional hockey, the contestants vie for a prize to be awarded to the champions of the hockey league called the Stanley Cup.  In yacht racing, there are an abundance of awards, all named after cups, such as the South Hampton Cup or the Brighton Cup.
So when Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain bare their records of serial philandering and engage in a debate or a love match, it strikes me that the world should know that this is a contest that should be named the Philanderer’s Cup.
December 4, 2011
Essay #613
Kevin’s commentary: back in highschool, I was on the debate team.  Two of the debaters on the local circuit were dating, and if memory serves they would always just refuse to debate each other, because it didn’t make sense. They were on the same side, so to speak. So instead of spending the round saying “well my boyfriend did make some great points, but here are even more points!” they just flipped a coin and were done with it. I feel like some politicians could learn from them.

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