In this longer-than-expected lifetime, the subject of homosexuality has rarely reared its head.  When same-sex marriages came into view, the subject of homosexuality is now more often discussed.  Recently, the discussion is about male homosexuality.  The condition of homosexuality resides also in females so I am told.
The purpose of this essay is to trace one man’s evolution from a mild distaste for homosexual marriages to an advocacy in these days of same-sex marriages.  This evolution has brought me to write this essay.
It should be stated at the outset that the author of this essay is a straight man, never given in a long lifetime to thoughts about homosexuals.
When I attended church services as a youngster, I was told that we are all made in God’s image.  If that is true, then God made some male and female homosexuals.  There is no escaping that point at all.  Whether God would be in favor of same-sex marriages remains to be seen.  The drive for same-sex marriages is upon us now.
When I was a youngster growing up in Missouri, I came to realize the conduct of homosexuals.  The conduct of male homosexuals was not attractive in the least to me.  It is for this reason that such conduct has disinterested me over the years.  It disinterested me to the point of opposition.  I might modify that last statement to say “mild opposition.”
I had no reason as a youngster to be involved with homosexual conduct.  Along in my twenties, I enlisted in the American Army.  We lived in barracks and tents.  I was never disturbed by the thought that I would be approached in a homosexual way.  Perhaps I was naïve in thinking that a homosexual would never approach me but that is the way it was.  When I escaped from American Army duty, my opposition remained firmly in place.
I rarely give much thought to homosexual behavior but recent events such as the stir over same-sex marriages have caused me to rethink my position.  I have contended all along that what other people do is of no consequence to me.  It does not threaten my marriage or my existence.  If someone wishes to engage in oral or anal sex, it is of no consequence to me personally.  Once more, I must remind my readers that homosexual behavior is not a subject in the front of my mind.  It resided in the back of my mind and I did not wish to bring it forward.  If someone wished to engage in homosexual behavior, it would be quite alright with me as long as I were not involved.
But in recent days or weeks or years, the subject of homosexual behavior has come up with respect to same-sex marriages.  It was at this point that my evolution in thinking about this conduct has taken a turn.  Until the question of marriage became apparent in homosexual behavior, I had given it very little thought.  But at this moment as a matter of civil liberty, I do not see how I can claim the sanctity of my marriage or my existence and still condemn those who practice homosexuality.  I repeat that homosexual behavior is not attractive to me.  If two consenting adults choose to engage in that behavior, I can see no reason whatsoever for opposing it.
So at this late date in my existence, I have become an advocate for same-sex marriages.  If two people of the same gender fall in love and want to be married, I see no reason for opposing such conduct.  In the end, it all comes down to a matter of civil liberty.  If I as a heterosexual male wish to become married, there is no problem.  What is the fuss about if two homosexuals in love wish to be married?  In my estimation, they should be permitted to do so with the full blessings of the state.
Before closing this essay, I wish to re-emphasize the fact that preachers tell us that we are all made in God’s image.  If that is true, God made homosexuals and he made lesbians.  And he made trans-gender folks.  I am not a theologian of any sort but it seems to me that the basic truth in this debate is self-evident.
Here we have a man – myself – who started out in mild opposition to homosexuality.  Now my thinking has evolved.  There is no reason for denying the fruits of matrimony to homosexuals.  The fact that there is no reason for denying that love or attraction involves all of us.  This does not mean that I have adopted a homosexual attitude.  It merely means that I have changed, through evolution, my thoughts about homosexual conduct.  I suspect that as time goes by and as young people become a larger part of the population of this country, they will look back on this controversy and ask what all the fuss was about.  I suppose that is what evolution is all about.  In my case, I started out with a mild opposition to homosexual conduct but I am now an advocate of same-sex marriage.  And this evolution in my thinking has brightened my day because I no longer think like an old man, but I join the younger folks in their outlook on life.  So I am happy.
I hope that there are others who have gone through the same transformation.  If that is the case, I suspect that we will be a happier country.  It would give me some pleasure at this late date in my life to recognize the evolution that has taken place in my thoughts.  I am not going to go around bragging about the evolution.  It is there.  If two men  decide that they wish to become married, or if two women believe that they have found their life mate in another woman, I can only say, “Hurrah!” for this outcome.  And I would hope that God in his infinite wisdom would bless all of the homosexual unions.
April 8, 2013
Essay 747
Kevin’s commentary: this is one of Pop’s new essays and it makes me extremely proud. I was going to say “Pop is a very progressive guy, for a grandparent” and then realized that the qualifying phrase is unnecessary.  My feelings have always been that if you don’t like gay marriage, simply don’t get gay married and be done with it.

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