Category: September 2013


    The genesis for this essay had to do with a remark made to me by Dr. Andrew Beamer following our most recent discussion.  In essence, Dr. Beamer said that I had all of my marbles and seemed to have held onto them late in life.  I am not quite certain that Dr. Beamer is right…


    Apparently the sheriffs in the great state of Iowa have an inordinate amount of power.  Among other things, they can determine which blind person will be issued a gun permit. Most of those applying for a gun permit as blind people say that it is for target shooting.  None of them say that it is…


    It is peculiar or perhaps amusing to find that one memory prompts another one.  I am writing this on September 17 which is the day after the horrible tragedy at the Washington Naval Yard.  In this case, the memory that has been revived goes back to 1942.  If my mathematics are correct, which are not…


    As some of my readers know, I have employed home health aides as a means of avoiding institutional care.  I require help during the evening and midnight hours.  Among other things, my ability to stand up or get up during the night time is limited.  During the course of an evening, I may stand up…

  • Grub

    I have been writing these essays for the last 16 years. It all started with an injury to my brain which impaired my speech as a result of a stroke in 1997. I started writing these essays and somehow after 764 such essays, I have still continued. As a matter of fact, I seem at…