My efforts recently have been consumed by writing a song, which is the title of this essay.  Sometimes the song seems to be a lullaby and at other times it becomes a dirge.  But with the President now in the ass-kicking mode, perhaps it becomes a march or a patriotic song, such as “America the Beautiful.”
Let us start at the beginning.  First, today is the 50th day of the spill in the Gulf of Mexico and there is no end in sight.  There is confusion about the rate of the spill, which British Petroleum wishes to minimize.  All appearances are now that the spill will continue into the fall and I believe it is firmly and clearly established that British Petroleum is a liar of the first order.  Should we put all the executives of British Petroleum in jail?  Nobody else knows what to do because there are no oil experts in the employment of the United States government.  What a dilemma!  It is a lot like my trying to compose a lullaby that turns out to be a dirge.
Secondly the news brings this week stories of the Israeli raid upon a flotilla of ships that were clearly bringing help to the residents of Gaza.  The residents there have been under a blockade by the Israeli government and there are contentions that the Gazans are short of food and medical supplies.  One of the ships that was raided by the Israelis carried wheelchairs.  In the opinion of this old supporter of Israel, I believe it is fair to say that the Prime Minister, Netanyahu, is in over his head and is flailing.  Perhaps if the United States government were to tell Netanyahu that we would no longer pay him a $3 billion handout each year, it would bring him to his senses.  But Netanyahu is the basic reason for my proposed song turning out to be a dirge.
Now, aside from the oil spill and the Israeli situation, we need to know that over the weekend Rush Limbaugh contracted his fourth marriage.  Present at the ceremony were luminaries such as Newt Gingrich, Karl Rove, Rudy Giuliani, and Clarence Thomas.  Newt has only three marriages to his credit.  Karl Rove is the detested advisor to our former beloved President, George W. Bush.  And what in the world is Clarence Thomas, a Justice of the Supreme Court, doing at this wedding, which was a partisan event.  First, Scalia goes duck hunting with Dick Cheney and now we have our only black Justice throwing his arms around the likes of Rush Limbaugh.  This makes your old essayist in a mood to vomit.
Now the fourth issue is that the stock market has taken another nose dive.  What used to be called the Dow Jones average is now about 9800, which, compared to a month ago, puts it 1200 points behind.  This ain’t no lullaby; it is a clear-cut dirge.
In the final event of the recent weekend, I find that Barack Obama was interviewed by a television performer named Matt Lauer.  I have never seen Matt Lauer.  Apparently he works for the National Broadcasting Company.  He is widely quoted.  Lauer said something along this line to the President, “I have heard people say that it is time for somebody – namely you – to kick some butt.”  To which Obama replied in effect, I need to find out just which ass to kick.   I can only say, “Good for Obama.”  This is the first time he has shown feelings that assuage my left-wing Democratic soul.
Far from the impression that Obama made on my psyche, I intend to name my new musical composition “When It Is Ass-Kicking Time Along the Potomac.”  My hope is that the song will be revered as is “America the Beautiful.”  But that remains to be seen.  I really do not have a melody or a harmony for this wonderful work.  But trust me; I believe that when you finally hear it, you will find yourself humming it until it puts you to sleep.  Thus it becomes a lullaby as well.
June 8, 2010
Essay 460
Kevin’s commentary:
Since I have not found any evidence of this song’s completion in later essays I am forced to conclude that Pop is still working on it. I hope he hurries up with it before Obama’s last term in office is complete. The Dow is up past 15,000 now, however, so maybe the tempo of the song will pick up somewhat.

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